Meet Liz
Elizabeth Memel, M.A., Certified RIE® Associate and Mentor Teacher, resides in Ojai, California and provides weekly RIE® Certified Parent-Infant Guidance™ classes for families with children from birth to age two in her beautiful home studio. When it is understood that Liz actually trained to become an Educarer® over many years with renowned infant specialist Magda Gerber, recognition happens! Liz has a long, successful career of forty wonderful years of experience consulting with and guiding adults, including professional early childhood educators, Nannies, caregivers, parents, and grandparents who provide care for infants and toddlers.
My Course Offerings
Inquire about my early childhood RIE® Associate consulting work and family programs. I am available for private counseling, in-service trainings with evaluations for 0-3 programs.
RIE Parent-Infant Guidance Classes - in-person weekly
RIE Before Baby™ Pre-natal
Course - contact for dates

From Parents & Students

...by giving minimal help when they really need it, we allow our infants to learn and grow at their own time and in their own way.